Derechos y recursos para estudiantes y familias
Carta a la comunidad enero 2025
Mensaje del Director
Consulado de Mexico - Conoce tus Derechos
Border Network for Human Rights - Conozca sus Derechos
Conoce tus Derechos - AFT
Recursos de Immigration is American Network (IACN)
Busque puntos en común Recursos recopilados por la IACN
- Article responding to questions about ICE and schools featuring Dr. Sophia Rodriguez: https://www. immigration-enforcement-and-u- s-schools-what-could-happen- and-what-education-leaders- can-do/ - IDRA newsletter on supporting immigrant students: https://prod.cdn. EA016/1/100762/PB- eOtm3uzacZ9jUm7O- EOhTKR78bz5467xG8pE1T1H_ archive?emci=2ba02630-22df- ef11-88f8-0022482a9579&emdi= ddab0f0b-e9df-ef11-88f8- 0022482a97e9&ceid=12851865 - UnidosUS blog post on sensitive locations: https://unidosus.
org/blog/2025/01/28/why-we- should-care-about-trumps- targeting-of-schools- hospitals-and-places-of- worship-for-immigration- enforcement-actions/ - NNN Immigration Resources document
- NEA's Comprehensive Immigration Guide:
resource-library/guidance- immigration-issues - Red Cards:
red-cards-tarjetas-rojas - Family Preparedness Plan:
sites/default/files/resources/ family_preparedness_plan_v3- 20170323.pdf - Biden Department of Education Dear Colleague Letter - Resources for Ensuring Equal Access to Education for Immigrant Students (January 2025):
laws-and-policy/key-policy- letters/dear-colleague-letter- resources-ensuring-equal- access-education-immigrant- students - Plyler and Data Collection: https://www.nilc.
org/resources/plyler-and-data- collection
Más recursos de muestra:
Para directores y personal escolar
- IACN member MNEEP has put together an extensive toolkit for Minnesota educators, administrators, and school leaders that outlines state policies that protect the “human rights, dignity, and well-being of immigrant and EL students.” https://www.mneep.
org/toolkits/creating-safe- supportive-schools-for- immigrant-and-english-learner- el-students/ - Guidance for district leaders in Michigan (the last page has a flow chart for frontline staff); Oakland Unified School District ICE Protocol and Recommendations for Families (for principals).
- California guidelines:
gov/sites/all/files/agweb/ pdfs/bcj/school-guidance- model-k12.pdf - New York City guidelines: https://infohub. policies/immigration-guidance- for-schools
Para familias/individuos y comunidades directamente afectados/Conozca sus derechos:
- California Know Your Rights:
system/files/attachments/ press-docs/Know%20Your% 20Immigration%20Rights%5B88% 5D.pdf - Michigan Know Your Rights: https:// resources/advocate-library/127 - Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Know Your Rights Toolkit
- Individuals can download free KYR "red cards", learn rights for protestors, and create a Family Preparedness Plan to use in case of an emergency.
- ILRC Community Resources
- Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.: Rapid Response Toolkit (Resources regarding responding during ICE raids and arrests)
- American Immigration Lawyers Association: Know Your Rights: If ICE Comes to Your Workplace (Employee)
- American Civil Liberties Union: Know Your Rights
- National Immigrant Justice Center: Know Your Rights
- Know Your Rights 4 Immigrants (app compatible with iPhone) (available in 16 languages, primarily Asian languages and Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Russian. It can read your rights out loud to an ICE or law enforcement agent and send a message to an emergency contact. It has other resources, such as the ability to look up a consulate and a sample family preparedness plan).
- United We Dream (Immigration Updates and Resources)
- Immigrants Rising (Resources pertaining to getting into college, finding scholarships, mental health, and navigating income generation).
- Know Your Rights - Informed Immigrant
Unidos Know Your Rights card;
Acceso a Asesoría Jurídica:
- Immigration Advocates Network: National Immigration Legal Services Directory (Comprehensive resource for individuals searching for immigration legal services providers).
- AILA Lawyer: Find an Immigration Lawyer